Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Personal Privacy for Celebrites?: Scarlett Johansson

Scarlett Johansson wants people to know that actors have the right to privacy too.

The actress, who was the latest celebrity to have nude, personal photos leaked on to the web, told CNN that celebrities deserve the same protections as those not in the public eye.

"Just because you're an actor or make films or whatever doesn't mean you're not entitled to your own personal privacy," she told CNN, according to Reuters. "If that is sieged in some way, it feels unjust. It feels wrong."

Scarlett's personal photos hit the web on September 15, and she admitted the additional attention on her life outside of work has been something she's had to get used to.

"It's an adjustment, but I think there are certain instances where you give a lot of yourself and finally you have to kind of put your foot down and say, 'Oh wait, I'm taking it back,'" she said, per Reuters.

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